Friday, July 30, 2010

The new Chatty Crafty Website is going live next week. I am officially satisfied.

I trimmed my mom's hedges last night... she only lives, maybe, 2 miles from me, but for some reason it feels hotter there. My brother was nice enough to carry off what I cut. I really don't like that part... her bushes are prickly and she doesn't have a wheelbarrow... No matter the heat it was hard to pull myself away from working in her yard... there's just something about the smell of disturbed earth & plant that I love.

I also met my parents new neighbors. They're awesome! They seem to be in their mid to late twenties, but they have a 4 year old and then they have a set of 3 year old triplets! Their children are gorgeous. And everyone seems to have great personalities.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Good things going on in the life of Kellie. I can't sit still I am so excited about life.

  • Finally, have someone finishing up the website. Who knew that was going to cause the most stumbling?
  • Flowers are doing fantastic & everything that made it's way to the shade bed seems to be surviving .
  • Picked up a new client. I will be starting their books next week. This couldn't come at a better time.
  • Talking to an artist about representing him in the very near future. BAM!
We are moving right along folks! I feel like my life is falling into place. I hope to be showing you some rad stuff soon.

Until then have a great weekend.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Monday. Mondays after lazy weekends are always the hardest. Saturday I worked in the yard ALL DAY. I like to get started early in the morning and then I don't notice the heat as much. I installed my new shade bed- YES! Added a couple Japanese painted ferns and divided some of my largest hostas and relocated them as well.

Finished after 5 and I was hot! I talked the man & my brother into swimming out in pocket wilderness. The water is low, we need a good week's worth of rain. Seriously.

Sunday my brother and I went on a plant round up and hike. Got sweaty and then it poured down rain on me while I tried to plant them. I was so muddy & dripping when I finished that I had to change out of my clothes while standing in the tub.

Spent the rest of the day reading, drawing, folding laundry, and cooking up dinner using fresh produce from our neighbors garden.

I did find two blogs today via freckled nest and I really liked their content.

My Girl Thursday - The post I read today was all about tea. Very good & she makes some really nice aprons. I think I may ask Rob for one for Christmas... I have zero, but I need at least one right?!

Gussy - This post is about how schedules go out the window in the summer & some tips on how to keep them in check. It sorta gave me a kick in the pants. Also check out her wallets and bags... oh so lovely!

With that I'm out for lunch. I hope your Monday gets started off right!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I have been working like CRAZY on Chatty Crafty. We are meeting tonight and I am so very excited. Chattanooga is the perfect place for an Indie Craft show.

Our biggest hurdle at this point is the website. I took everyone's ideas for the website and sketched out something that combined everything. We've had a couple issues with getting everything edited and coded correctly. Wow, I really wish I had taken those web design classes in high school and I could have done this myself.

We're two weeks out from the application deadline, but I'm positive everything will be fabulous. We have had so many vendors interested it's really going to be a great event.

Of course I keep thinking of things for vendor perks ie VIP lounge with couches, coffee, & snacks. Ha is that a little ambitious of me?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I always have such ambitious goals for my blogs that I tend to neglect them because I don't think I have anything worth posting. Oh well. I think I'll just write from now on and not worry about my content flowing. I have a full time job, blogging shouldn't feel like one.

My life has felt so full here lately. I love it. I have spent pretty much every night working in my flowers and they really make me happy. Honestly, it's like I've built a relationship with my plants. When they are doing poorly I talk to them, I water them, I feed them, & I even sing songs about them to them. I don't know that it helps, but it makes me feel better anyway.

My mom was a florist for about 20 years and has really amazing flower beds at her house. She has carried home dying plants for years and revived them into really gorgeous flowers. She has also been known to find plants growing in the tree line on their property and transplant them in the yard. I'm terribly jealous, but she shares any plant she owns with anyone who asks. My parents neighbors are really lucky to have her.

My mom and I have been spending a lot of time together. I took her and my brother to Fall Creek Falls State Park on Monday since I had the day off. It was awesome! Did you know Fall Creek Falls (256') is the eastern United States' highest waterfall? And even more impressive I talked my mother (a non-hiker, actually non-active) into hiking to the base. It was a little strenuous coming back up, but I know she enjoyed it & I am very proud of her.

Okay, I just had to do a little more bragging on her. Now it's back to work for me.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chatty Crafty

Yesterday I was asked to help bring Chattanooga's very first Indie Craft festival to reality. How freaking exciting!! Mark your calendars for the first weekend in November & plan to visit Chattanooga.

I'll be back soon with more information and a link to the web site and vendor application.

I love Indie Craft & Chattanooga. They go so well together.