Friday, June 4, 2010

You're doing it wrong...

I think everyone has it in them- the ability to create. You have the ideas right there in your head, or if you're like me maybe you feel it in your chest. I have this longing to create art and beautiful things... but I have this problem of getting it out properly.

I have heard there is no right way. But if we're being completely honest there are lots of wrong ways. Ha! I mean have you see regretsy?! Sometimes when I'm on etsy I actually shudder at the sight of the work presented. The composition needs to be appealing, people. eep!

I know plenty of people who know how to do it right. Their work just flows. These people working with all types of media. And it's not just that it's appealing to me... There are plenty of artists with great work that I don't care for... just my preference, but there are others that the work is just bad.

With those stones flying, I don't know how to get off the wrong path. I have these ideas just dying to get out of me & onto paper. But I'm lost. I don't know how to get started. I have the presentation down... I have the arrangement down. Honestly, maybe it all comes down to the talent... and maybe that's what I'm missing. Jeepers. I hope not.