Monday, December 19, 2011

The one in which I give a short ramble about fungi & parasites

Sunday Rob & I got up, played with dogs, and made a grocery list. We went for a hike before the grocery store. I forgot to bring my bag for goodies I find. & there were so many goodies. I'm really digging different fungi right now. Yesterday I was thinking about the little puffy mushrooms, when you touch them they expel spores, what I was thinking is that plants/animals/parasites evolve... and like people they have a plan- to survive obviously that's why they evolve so as we were scrambling up this rock & I made the terrible mistake of looking up from my fungi and down off the side of the rock... I started thinking how these puffing mushrooms could puff their spores into my lungs which would cause me to cough and possibly fall, starting sliding down this rock and then tumble off the side to my death. That could be the most bad ass fungus of all time. Who knows?

I'm really interested in parasites and the way we can harbor this little world inside ourselves. Plus it is one of the creepiest freakiest things ever! I listen to a lot of talk radio stories during the work day. I feel like I'm using every second of my day to expand my mind... anyway. I'm going to be listening to these stories today Parasites on Radio Lab & Enemy Camp on This American Life. I am also planning to get my hands on this book in the sometime near future... maybe for that week I have off after Christmas?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

First cold day in a while and I am hibernating. The weekend couldn't come fast enough this week it seemed. I think I've picked up something, yesterday I was feeling puny. I came home and cuddled up... ended up wrapping some presents. I'm sorta achy today. But I did manage to try a couple DIY cleaners this morning. white vinegar and regular Dawn dish washing liquid is the most magical cleaner I have ever used. I swear my tub & shower are sparkling. I picked up the trail on pinterest.

We also had a clogged drain in the shower...Baking soda & white vinegar have a neat trick. I swear I don't think I will ever buy draino again. Baking soda down the drain, add the vinegar, & plug the drain. Of course I was always a sucker for the volcano science project... depending on the artistic ability of the kid it can really look professional. I built an electromagnet. It involved screws, batteries, magnets, & a 1"x4"x12" ...... anyway. Use it because it's fun & amazing!

Now I must get back to hibernating the rest of this day. Christmas is next week... tomorrow morning my Christmas Week to do list kicks off. This is also my last work week before I take the rest of my vacation time. Woo hoo!